A major component of the national vision for CTE is the "Program of Study" – a structured approach to delivering academic and CTE content that:
- Incorporates and aligns secondary and postsecondary education elements such as curricula, standards and assessments.
- Incorporates opportunities to participate in structured learning experiences, and career and technical student organizations (CTSOs).
- Incorporates applied, contextual, cross curricular and interdisciplinary instructional strategies into the curricula.
- Includes an articulation agreement or memorandum of understanding to ensure that students have a seamless transition from secondary into postsecondary education.
- Leads to an industry-recognized credential, certificate in postsecondary education, apprenticeship, an associate or baccalaureate degree.
A primary objective of CTEP is to develop model Programs of Study in each of the seven Career
Clusters that can be voluntarily adopted and implemented by school districts/institutions.
Meeting New State Standards
In 2009, New Jersey adopted new and revised Core Curriculum Standards
that emphasize 21st century skills. Standard 9.4 applies to CTE programs and requires that
all students who complete a CTE program acquire academic and technical skills for careers in
emerging and established professions that lead to technical skill proficiency, credentials,
certificates, licenses and/or degrees. To be eligible for approval by the state, districts
must align existing and new CTE programs with Standard 9.4 by 2012. CTEP curriculum recommendations
will be aligned to this state standard.
Providing Professional Development
Providing learning opportunities for educators and administrators, establishing secondary/post-secondary
partnerships and raising awareness of CTE in New Jersey is another critical goal of the CTEP grant. In
its first year, CTEP hosted two statewide professional development conferences, including a leadership
conference attended by over 100 educators and administrators from community colleges and secondary schools.
Moving forward, CTEP will continue to provide professional development opportunities for educators on
a variety of topics.
If you have an idea for a professional development topic or presenter, please
contact us.